Just as SOLAS/MED lifejacket lights need high quality standards, leisure lights also need some form of legislation to cover their design and manufacture.Some years ago EN 394 covered this function for life jacket lights used for leisure and Health and Safety at Work applications. However, this document was made obsolete at the formation of a new series of standards – ISO 12402-1 to 10. ISO 12402-Part 8 specifically covers the requirements for all attachments to all of these lifejackets and floatation devices i.e. inflators, whistles and hoods etc. However, the section in Part 8 dealing with ‘Position Indicating Lights’ has remained blank.
Daniamant has been very active in rectifying this omission by proposing and having an agreed text inserted into ISO 12402-8 paragraph 5.8. The new text outlines the basic requirements as prescribed in MSC 81(70) and ISO 24408 but in less detail. The agreed text will be included in the completely revised edition of ISO 12402 Parts 1 to 10 which will be available in the near future.All Daniamant lights, regardless of whether they are used in leisure or commercial markets, are all manufactured to the exacting standards of MSC81(70) and subjected to the highest testing standards required by ISO24408. This means that our lights also meet and exceed the standards demanded by ISO12402.